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Find Flowering Plant by Common Name

This list is an extract from the Girraween Plant Species List compiled by Vanessa Ryan and Craig Robbins.
For more details about this list, click here.

All the plants listed here are common, except those given a conservation status code.

Conservation status codes:
Introduced species (*), Near Threatened (NT), Vulnerable (V), Endangered (E)


Nakedweed  Chondrilla juncea (*)
Narrawa Burr  Solanum cinereum
Narrow Cord-rush  Baloskion stenocoleum
Narrow Goodenia  Goodenia macbarronii
Narrow Plantain  Plantago gaudichaudii
Narrow Sword-sedge  Lepidosperma laterale
Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea  Daviesia mimosoides subsp. mimosoides
Narrow-leaf Hop Bush  Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima
Narrow-leaf Logania  Logania albiflora
Narrow-leaf New Holland Daisy  Vittadinia muelleri
Narrow-leaf Olax  Olax stricta
Narrow-leaf Plantain  Plantago gaudichaudii
Narrow-leaf Willow-herb  Epilobium hirtigerum
Narrow-leaved Boronia  Boronia anethifolia
Narrow-leaved Bottlebrush  Melaleuca linearis var. linearis
Narrow-leaved Cabbage Gum  Eucalyptus interstans
Narrow-leaved Cotton-bush  Gomphocarpus fruticosus (*)
Narrow-leaved Grevillea  Grevillea viridiflava
Narrow-leaved Guinea Flower  Hibbertia tenuifolia
Narrow-leaved Hovea  Hovea heterophylla
Narrow-leaved Isotoma  Isotoma anethifolia
Narrow-leaved Mock-olive  Notelaea linearis
Narrow-leaved Orangebark  Denhamia silvestris
Narrow-leaved Paperbark  Melaleuca alternifolia
Narrow-leaved Pea-bush  Hovea heterophylla
Narrow-leaved Peppermint, New England  Eucalyptus radiata subsp. sejuncta
Narrow-leaved Red Gum  Eucalyptus interstans
Narrow-leaved Spider Flower  Grevillea viridiflava
Narrow-leaved Tea-tree  Melaleuca alternifolia
Narrow-leaved Zornia  Zornia dyctiocarpa var. dyctiocarpa
Narrow-lip Leafy Greenhood  Pterostylis longifolia
Narrowleaf Firethorn  Pyracantha angustifolia (*)
Native Bleeding Heart  Homalanthus populifolius
Native Brome  Bromus arenarius
Native Broom  Jacksonia scoparia
Native Candytuft  Trachymene incisa subsp. incisa
Native Carrot  Daucus glochidiatus
Native Cherry  Exocarpos cupressiformis
Native Daphne  Pittosporum undulatum
Native Flax  Linum marginale
Native Fuchsia  Correa reflexa var. reflexa
Native Geranium  Geranium solanderi var. solanderi
Native Grape  Cayratia clematidea
Native Indigo  Indigofera australis subsp. australis
Native Laurel  Pittosporum undulatum
Native Leek  Bulbine bulbosa
Native Leek  Bulbine semibarbata
Native Lilac  Hardenbergia violacea
Native Mint  Mentha diemenica
Native Olive  Notelaea linearis
Native Onion  Bulbine bulbosa
Native Parsnip  Trachymene incisa subsp. incisa
Native Peach  Trema tomentosa var. aspera
Native Plantian  Plantago debilis
Native Plum  Santalum lanceolatum
Native Poplar  Homalanthus populifolius
Native Raspberry  Rubus parvifolius
Native Raspberry, Pink-flowered  Rubus parvifolius
Native Sarsaparilla Vine  Hardenbergia violacea
Native Storksbill  Pelargonium australe
Native Verbena  Verbena gaudichaudii
Native Wandering Jew  Commelina diffusa
Needle Mistletoe  Amyema cambagei
Needle-leaf Mistletoe  Amyema cambagei
Needlebush  Hakea macrorrhyncha (V)
Nettle Tree  Trema tomentosa var. aspera
Nettle, Annual  Urtica urens (*)
Nettle, Common English  Urtica urens (*)
Nettle, Dwarf  Urtica urens (*)
Nettle, Small  Urtica urens (*)
Nettle, Stinging  Urtica urens (*)
New England Banksia  Banksia neoanglica
New England Beard-heath  Leucopogon neoanglicus
New England Blackbutt  Eucalyptus andrewsii
New England Blackbutt  Eucalyptus campanulata
New England Daisy  Brachyscome nova-anglica
New England Narrow-leaved Peppermint  Eucalyptus radiata subsp. sejuncta
New England Peppermint  Eucalyptus nova-anglica
New England Stringybark  Eucalyptus caliginosa
New England Tea-tree  Leptospermum novae-angliae
New Holland Daisy, Narrow-leaf  Vittadinia muelleri
New Holland Indigo  Indigofera australis subsp. australis
New Zealand Moss  Sagina apetala (*)
Niger Plant  Guizotia abyssinica (*)
Niger Seed  Guizotia abyssinica (*)
Nightshade, Cherry  Solanum physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum (*)
Nightshade, Cutleaf  Solanum triflorum (*)
Nightshade, Small  Solanum triflorum (*)
Nightshade, Whitetip  Solanum chenopodioides (*)
Nodding Blue-lily  Stypandra glauca
Nodding Chocolate-lily  Arthropodium fimbriatum
Nodding Club-rush  Isolepis cernua
Nodding Doubletail  Diuris abbreviata
Nodding Greenhood  Pterostylis nutans
Northern Barley Grass  Hordeum glaucum (*)
Northern Pepperbush  Tasmannia stipitata
Northern Sandalwood  Santalum lanceolatum
Northern Swamp Gum  Eucalyptus camphora subsp. camphora
Notched Bush-pea  Pultenaea retusa
Nut-heads, Spreading  Sphaeromorphaea australis

© Vanessa and Chris Ryan, 2009 | Copyright Details and Disclaimer
Last updated: 3rd October 2015